15264 rank

245,455 points

445 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jinxy of the North    ŧħє ѕħîяє
East-Nagach 686 Jinxy of the North ŧħє ѕħîяє 558,403,709 295,512
Jinxy of the North   
Korch 4269 Jinxy of the North 29,714,904 25,053
Jinxy of the North    Diamond Forge
Tuulech 4240 Jinxy of the North Diamond Forge 24,653,819 29,011
Jinxy of the North   
Vingrid 5229 Jinxy of the North 14,583,249 18,293
Jinxy of the North    Honor & Integrity
Walstrand 5503 Jinxy of the North Honor & Integrity 10,875,613 16,743
Jinxy of the North    Metaphysic StarGate
Arvahall 16151 Jinxy of the North Metaphysic StarGate 478,798 801
Jinxy of the North    Metaphysic StarGate
Fel Dranghyr 13033 Jinxy of the North Metaphysic StarGate 391,262 353
Jinxy of the North    Elf Lords
Jaims 12855 Jinxy of the North Elf Lords 357,014 403
Jinxy of the North    Play Your Own Pace
Brisgard 15802 Jinxy of the North Play Your Own Pace 314,656 552
Jinxy of the North    Laid Back Guild
Cirgard 14411 Jinxy of the North Laid Back Guild 311,408 509
Jinxy of the North    Lonewolf
Greifental 13255 Jinxy of the North Lonewolf 306,672 360
Jinxy of the North    Dog Pound
Dunarsund 15264 Jinxy of the North Dog Pound 245,455 445
Jinxy of the North    Forge Friends
Houndsmoor 15421 Jinxy of the North Forge Friends 209,657 316