2478 rank

82,718,655 points

13,206 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
som3908    Peaceful Growth
Dunarsund 2478 som3908 Peaceful Growth 82,718,655 13,206
som3908    Guild of Leah
Houndsmoor 2627 som3908 Guild of Leah 67,329,118 11,364
som3908    Wascally Wabbit's
Odhrorvar 2505 som3908 Wascally Wabbit's 61,840,375 10,210
som3908    NO RULES
Tuulech 2456 som3908 NO RULES 61,050,888 10,036
som3908    American warriors
Langendorn 2655 som3908 American warriors 56,754,784 10,171
som3908    PartTimePlayers
Korch 3195 som3908 PartTimePlayers 45,084,060 8,278
som3908    Omega
Arvahall 8114 som3908 Omega 8,127,942 3,272