4168 rank

34,305,766 points

21,311 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GoldenWhiteMessiah    Raiders of the Lost
Dunarsund 4168 GoldenWhiteMessiah Raiders of the Lost 34,305,766 21,311
GoldenWhiteMessiah    Raiders of the Lost
Jaims 5776 GoldenWhiteMessiah Raiders of the Lost 11,560,285 7,164
GoldenWhiteMessiah    Da Lost & The Damned
Xyr 7429 GoldenWhiteMessiah Da Lost & The Damned 5,291,259 7,689
GoldenWhiteMessiah    WARHAMMER
Odhrorvar 9000 GoldenWhiteMessiah WARHAMMER 1,566,708 4,834