12533 rank

723,028 points

1,588 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nomotime    Obscured By Clouds
Tuulech 724 Nomotime Obscured By Clouds 427,652,934 117,465
Qunrir 1151 Nomotime 268,977,031 98,411
Nomotime    Merovingian
Noarsil 5945 Nomotime Merovingian 10,398,996 8,054
Nomotime    MAGA
Arvahall 11931 Nomotime MAGA 2,069,764 4,703
Nomotime    Fire Monkeys
Sinerania 9982 Nomotime Fire Monkeys 929,925 1,685
Nomotime    The Diamond Asylum
Dunarsund 12533 Nomotime The Diamond Asylum 723,028 1,588
Nomotime    Brave Heart
Odhrorvar 11316 Nomotime Brave Heart 473,712 1,340