4412 rank

32,592,371 points

4,914 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GBhoy71    Dragonstone
East-Nagach 667 GBhoy71 Dragonstone 543,381,745 87,171
GBhoy71    Just an escape
Sinerania 3537 GBhoy71 Just an escape 37,255,686 5,177
GBhoy71    Sleeper Cell
Dunarsund 4412 GBhoy71 Sleeper Cell 32,592,371 4,914
GBhoy71    HAWKS
Rugnir 5600 GBhoy71 HAWKS 11,691,194 2,542
GBhoy71    Novice Nation
Birka 3695 GBhoy71 Novice Nation 9,851,291 3,914
GBhoy71    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 8833 GBhoy71 The 4 Horsemen 5,224,600 2,660