15009 rank

285,544 points

1,216 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roderic 168 the Proud    Buds 420
Greifental 9006 Roderic 168 the Proud Buds 420 2,313,186 3,309
Roderic 168 the Proud    Unstoppables
Arvahall 15961 Roderic 168 the Proud Unstoppables 500,919 1,515
Roderic 168 the Proud    Gabriel Hounds
Brisgard 14695 Roderic 168 the Proud Gabriel Hounds 451,036 1,437
Roderic 168 the Proud    SOLDIERS
Odhrorvar 11918 Roderic 168 the Proud SOLDIERS 369,413 1,053
Roderic 168 the Proud   
Dunarsund 15009 Roderic 168 the Proud 285,544 1,216
Roderic 168 the Proud    Dark knights
Jaims 13441 Roderic 168 the Proud Dark knights 281,227 1,156
Roderic 168 the Proud    Shadow Walkers
East-Nagach 14371 Roderic 168 the Proud Shadow Walkers 279,461 1,147
Roderic 168 the Proud    Alvatraz
Walstrand 12227 Roderic 168 the Proud Alvatraz 277,142 1,006
Roderic 168 the Proud    Walkers
Fel Dranghyr 14093 Roderic 168 the Proud Walkers 262,639 1,141
Roderic 168 the Proud    ENJOY
Sinerania 13144 Roderic 168 the Proud ENJOY 223,693 1,063
Roderic 168 the Proud    PGA
Houndsmoor 15353 Roderic 168 the Proud PGA 221,590 980