8699 rank

3,791,746 points

7,414 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the bergs    CYBERTRON
Noarsil 1047 the bergs CYBERTRON 215,697,205 62,667
the bergs    DRAGON OF LEGENDS
Uceria 1954 the bergs DRAGON OF LEGENDS 89,067,099 27,767
the bergs    iGuild
Brisgard 5076 the bergs iGuild 20,574,658 17,265
the bergs    Dragon Born
Houndsmoor 6001 the bergs Dragon Born 12,116,713 8,170
the bergs    Incognito
Cirgard 6430 the bergs Incognito 9,182,649 9,249
the bergs    USMC
Mount Killmore 7155 the bergs USMC 7,523,526 6,866
the bergs   
Walstrand 6011 the bergs 6,805,709 5,660
the bergs   
Vingrid 6390 the bergs 6,777,902 6,842
the bergs    Texas Rangers
Sinerania 6539 the bergs Texas Rangers 6,049,487 11,282
the bergs    Rogue Phantoms
Arvahall 9247 the bergs Rogue Phantoms 5,263,116 7,639
the bergs   
Dunarsund 8699 the bergs 3,791,746 7,414
the bergs    Just flying solo
Yorkton 7288 the bergs Just flying solo 3,616,656 4,720
the bergs    🐻 The Bears 🐻
Langendorn 7844 the bergs 🐻 The Bears 🐻 3,355,210 7,937
the bergs   
Odhrorvar 7879 the bergs 2,837,183 5,387
the bergs   
Fel Dranghyr 11667 the bergs 745,943 1,697
the bergs   
Birka 8084 the bergs 512,839 1,007
the bergs    Chillin’
Zorskog 11931 the bergs Chillin’ 351,078 1,039
the bergs    Nameless
Angkor 14446 the bergs Nameless 120,929 417