3031 rank

74,356,761 points

33,456 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
HOSE350    fire house
Arvahall 2900 HOSE350 fire house 102,158,390 41,399
HOSE350    Abbey Rogue
Dunarsund 3031 HOSE350 Abbey Rogue 74,356,761 33,456
Brisgard 3782 HOSE350 50,705,673 26,576
Cirgard 3644 HOSE350 45,933,529 25,343
Fel Dranghyr 4018 HOSE350 35,338,469 23,776
HOSE350    Knights of Liberty
East-Nagach 4286 HOSE350 Knights of Liberty 34,263,135 21,830