3510 rank

55,170,711 points

84,789 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
smoky200    Big Damn Heroes
Cirgard 786 smoky200 Big Damn Heroes 455,799,803 335,694
smoky200    Pride of Scotland
Jaims 1163 smoky200 Pride of Scotland 254,764,987 98,754
smoky200    Pirates of Rugnir
Rugnir 2218 smoky200 Pirates of Rugnir 95,036,667 69,079
smoky200    Guild of Honor🏅
Houndsmoor 2804 smoky200 Guild of Honor🏅 77,756,436 89,467
Dunarsund 3510 smoky200 VETERANS UNITED 55,170,711 84,789
smoky200    Polar Pints 🍻🍺
Brisgard 4187 smoky200 Polar Pints 🍻🍺 40,675,852 59,539
smoky200    Event Horizon
East-Nagach 4329 smoky200 Event Horizon 33,347,736 57,011
smoky200    Alien 👽 Kings
Greifental 5877 smoky200 Alien 👽 Kings 12,866,362 35,211
smoky200    🦁The PRIDE🦁
Fel Dranghyr 6685 smoky200 🦁The PRIDE🦁 8,911,595 34,008