2540 rank

93,153,128 points

3,076 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edward 227 the Lion    Team Yellow King
Dunarsund 2540 Edward 227 the Lion Team Yellow King 93,153,128 3,076
Edward 227 the Lion    TAO
Qunrir 4255 Edward 227 the Lion TAO 25,006,023 2,125
Edward 227 the Lion    The Open Road
Fel Dranghyr 5032 Edward 227 the Lion The Open Road 18,711,149 1,949
Edward 227 the Lion    Avalon
Arvahall 7209 Edward 227 the Lion Avalon 13,073,754 1,975
Edward 227 the Lion    Witchers Guild
Korch 8277 Edward 227 the Lion Witchers Guild 3,139,173 1,703