2838 rank

76,579,927 points

110,352 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Buddha the Jew    Slaystation
Greifental 157 Buddha the Jew Slaystation 1,282,749,758 465,077
Buddha the Jew    "BACK in BLACK"
Uceria 1678 Buddha the Jew "BACK in BLACK" 134,959,747 41,858
Buddha the Jew    Free Bird
Fel Dranghyr 2003 Buddha the Jew Free Bird 122,761,018 198,628
Buddha the Jew    Mercury & Mars
Jaims 2480 Buddha the Jew Mercury & Mars 77,557,514 97,300
Buddha the Jew    Roman Empire IV
Dunarsund 2838 Buddha the Jew Roman Empire IV 76,579,927 110,352