11028 rank

1,345,170 points

2,494 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Erin the Shortest    Shadow Assassins
Noarsil 5435 Erin the Shortest Shadow Assassins 13,790,160 20,592
Erin the Shortest   
Greifental 9290 Erin the Shortest 2,071,194 4,253
Erin the Shortest    Cerberus
Dunarsund 11028 Erin the Shortest Cerberus 1,345,170 2,494
Erin the Shortest    Twisted Butterflys
Brisgard 12265 Erin the Shortest Twisted Butterflys 1,184,663 2,421
Erin the Shortest    House of Lion
Walstrand 9548 Erin the Shortest House of Lion 963,535 2,058
Erin the Shortest    THE GOD SQUAD
Qunrir 10986 Erin the Shortest THE GOD SQUAD 589,248 874