837 rank

426,280,647 points

259,792 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CENTAUR of SD    Roundtable Knights
Cirgard 787 CENTAUR of SD Roundtable Knights 454,270,864 277,155
CENTAUR of SD    Knights of Anarchy
Korch 749 CENTAUR of SD Knights of Anarchy 438,613,408 267,283
CENTAUR of SD    Casual Sects 🧬🧬
Walstrand 638 CENTAUR of SD Casual Sects 🧬🧬 433,543,818 263,695
CENTAUR of SD    Vesta's Villains
Dunarsund 837 CENTAUR of SD Vesta's Villains 426,280,647 259,792