6755 rank

10,822,591 points

14,828 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Species6339    No rules
East-Nagach 6410 Species6339 No rules 11,896,361 14,757
Species6339    Traders of the land
Arvahall 7663 Species6339 Traders of the land 11,895,106 15,651
Species6339    The Dragon Syndicate
Tuulech 5480 Species6339 The Dragon Syndicate 11,802,532 15,246
Species6339    The Lost Battalion
Dunarsund 6755 Species6339 The Lost Battalion 10,822,591 14,828
Species6339    Wanderers
Rugnir 5918 Species6339 Wanderers 9,959,880 14,017
Species6339    Anything Goes Here
Qunrir 5978 Species6339 Anything Goes Here 9,895,326 13,448
Species6339    Fairly Laid Back
Greifental 6485 Species6339 Fairly Laid Back 9,634,119 13,349
Species6339    The Expendables
Fel Dranghyr 6661 Species6339 The Expendables 8,966,110 13,797