13086 rank

567,442 points

665 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
boeweavel    The Old Ones
Dunarsund 13086 boeweavel The Old Ones 567,442 665
boeweavel    Ravensfyre
Fel Dranghyr 13405 boeweavel Ravensfyre 323,182 302
boeweavel    ROYAL KNIGHTS
Walstrand 13503 boeweavel ROYAL KNIGHTS 139,859 101
boeweavel    No Rules; Laid Back
Parkog 14406 boeweavel No Rules; Laid Back 109,611 211
boeweavel    Guild of Time Lords
Yorkton 15747 boeweavel Guild of Time Lords 85,613 115
boeweavel    J7O&G
Angkor 15736 boeweavel J7O&G 56,231 67
Carthage 13651 boeweavel 21,090 49