5253 rank

21,409,734 points

2,856 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
11th ACR    Army of One
Dunarsund 5253 11th ACR Army of One 21,409,734 2,856
11th ACR    Army of Un
Arvahall 7190 11th ACR Army of Un 13,996,807 2,290
11th ACR    Army of Uno
Houndsmoor 6060 11th ACR Army of Uno 13,892,651 2,081
11th ACR    Army of Eins
Jaims 5737 11th ACR Army of Eins 12,579,523 2,051
11th ACR    An Army of One
Qunrir 5640 11th ACR An Army of One 11,823,846 1,682
11th ACR    Army Strong
Mount Killmore 6495 11th ACR Army Strong 11,655,210 1,780
11th ACR    Army of Ekab
Zorskog 5034 11th ACR Army of Ekab 11,536,730 1,450
11th ACR    Army of 1
Langendorn 5787 11th ACR Army of 1 11,522,941 1,916
11th ACR    Army of En
Vingrid 5670 11th ACR Army of En 11,289,288 1,471
11th ACR    Army of Yksi
Yorkton 5655 11th ACR Army of Yksi 10,016,209 1,538
11th ACR    Army of Unus
Xyr 6209 11th ACR Army of Unus 9,845,832 1,540
11th ACR    Army of Eis
Angkor 5350 11th ACR Army of Eis 9,107,603 1,429
11th ACR    Arrrmy!
Dilmun 2306 11th ACR Arrrmy! 6,382,878 1,577