21299 rank

22,955 points

36 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pistachios Mustachios    Ryders of the Storm
Carthage 4830 Pistachios Mustachios Ryders of the Storm 1,293,301 1,350
Pistachios Mustachios   
Tuulech 14451 Pistachios Mustachios 99,496 29
Pistachios Mustachios    Knights of Hazzard
Dilmun 8196 Pistachios Mustachios Knights of Hazzard 37,439 25
Pistachios Mustachios   
Dunarsund 21299 Pistachios Mustachios 22,955 36
Pistachios Mustachios   
Brisgard 22918 Pistachios Mustachios 22,447 12