20166 rank

38,321 points

160 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Herodotus 2741 the Red    Underworld
Qunrir 16874 Herodotus 2741 the Red Underworld 44,992 312
Herodotus 2741 the Red    The chosen one
Dunarsund 20166 Herodotus 2741 the Red The chosen one 38,321 160
Herodotus 2741 the Red   
Odhrorvar 16980 Herodotus 2741 the Red 37,313 147
Herodotus 2741 the Red    CortJesters
Zorskog 17626 Herodotus 2741 the Red CortJesters 29,787 197
Herodotus 2741 the Red   
Rugnir 18156 Herodotus 2741 the Red 26,723 134
Herodotus 2741 the Red    Banana Oligarchy
Houndsmoor 20762 Herodotus 2741 the Red Banana Oligarchy 26,235 130