2500 rank

103,143,839 points

17,123 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Argyrus 1311 the Builder    Aid & Trade Only ATO
Dunarsund 2500 Argyrus 1311 the Builder Aid & Trade Only ATO 103,143,839 17,123
Argyrus 1311 the Builder   
Angkor 4013 Argyrus 1311 the Builder 18,600,781 7,421
Argyrus 1311 the Builder   
Xyr 4942 Argyrus 1311 the Builder 17,796,513 6,887
Argyrus 1311 the Builder    Paladins
Vingrid 7823 Argyrus 1311 the Builder Paladins 3,387,281 2,260
Argyrus 1311 the Builder    Asgard
Langendorn 8469 Argyrus 1311 the Builder Asgard 2,542,011 2,053
Argyrus 1311 the Builder    Lost Souls
Carthage 7702 Argyrus 1311 the Builder Lost Souls 291,401 528