15891 rank

190,619 points

370 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lumper    Ye Olde Elevator
Brisgard 16749 Lumper Ye Olde Elevator 221,624 427
Lumper    Moria Calls
Dunarsund 15891 Lumper Moria Calls 190,619 370
Lumper    Beginner's League
East-Nagach 15813 Lumper Beginner's League 141,725 291
Lumper    Barbarians
Mount Killmore 17307 Lumper Barbarians 128,697 330
Lumper    winner
Langendorn 14891 Lumper winner 102,354 233
Lumper    Anunkasan The Eagle
Noarsil 14821 Lumper Anunkasan The Eagle 96,922 205
Lumper    feral
Birka 11778 Lumper feral 89,704 224
Lumper    North of the Wall
Uceria 15166 Lumper North of the Wall 85,361 163
Lumper    warrior
Rugnir 15373 Lumper warrior 78,585 235
Lumper    PHAH
Tuulech 14845 Lumper PHAH 76,549 131
Lumper    HOGGLIFE
Walstrand 14858 Lumper HOGGLIFE 75,385 244
Lumper    Great guns
Vingrid 15829 Lumper Great guns 73,430 179
Arvahall 22368 Lumper 59,856 200