12002 rank

910,010 points

2,932 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
George the Generous   
Vingrid 3813 George the Generous 33,864,771 20,253
George the Generous    temple
Korch 8379 George the Generous temple 3,084,384 5,081
George the Generous    Temple
Houndsmoor 9572 George the Generous Temple 2,542,709 4,906
George the Generous    The Temple
Cirgard 10020 George the Generous The Temple 1,929,724 5,320
George the Generous    Temple
Tuulech 9034 George the Generous Temple 1,402,791 6,056
George the Generous    Memyselfandi
Yorkton 10156 George the Generous Memyselfandi 927,517 3,220
George the Generous   
Dunarsund 12002 George the Generous 910,010 2,932
George the Generous    Aolas
Arvahall 15839 George the Generous Aolas 529,605 1,813
George the Generous    Farmsen
Brisgard 15059 George the Generous Farmsen 407,758 1,445