7829 rank

6,617,520 points

1,721 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
26for11    Middle Earth Warrior
Arvahall 8360 26for11 Middle Earth Warrior 8,955,241 1,773
26for11    👽 LV 426 👽
Cirgard 6865 26for11 👽 LV 426 👽 8,928,165 1,778
26for11    Molten Kore
Tuulech 6473 26for11 Molten Kore 6,711,842 1,506
26for11    Chaos Theory
Dunarsund 7829 26for11 Chaos Theory 6,617,520 1,721
26for11    Means To An End
Jaims 7068 26for11 Means To An End 6,426,470 1,537
26for11    Howling Wolves
Parkog 6686 26for11 Howling Wolves 6,119,779 1,514
26for11    Baggins'
Houndsmoor 7877 26for11 Baggins' 5,958,418 1,245
26for11    Safe House
Vingrid 7010 26for11 Safe House 5,535,478 1,277
26for11    Do-whatcha-like
Uceria 7493 26for11 Do-whatcha-like 4,416,902 966
26for11    Galactic Shadow
Yorkton 7501 26for11 Galactic Shadow 3,864,924 973
26for11    Holesome Ones
Langendorn 8262 26for11 Holesome Ones 2,862,731 807
26for11    the royal eagles
Rugnir 8201 26for11 the royal eagles 2,601,258 697
26for11    The Kincaids
Greifental 12413 26for11 The Kincaids 446,448 293
26for11    Red Castle
Sinerania 11990 26for11 Red Castle 348,671 233