14421 rank

346,992 points

253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hecate 2081 the Noble   
Mount Killmore 10471 Hecate 2081 the Noble 1,806,708 978
Hecate 2081 the Noble   
Walstrand 9306 Hecate 2081 the Noble 1,093,971 761
Hecate 2081 the Noble    Kru
Greifental 11317 Hecate 2081 the Noble Kru 753,664 605
Hecate 2081 the Noble    Moonsofpluto
Jaims 11215 Hecate 2081 the Noble Moonsofpluto 714,632 540
Hecate 2081 the Noble   
Arvahall 16422 Hecate 2081 the Noble 436,056 357
Hecate 2081 the Noble   
East-Nagach 13499 Hecate 2081 the Noble 398,646 270
Hecate 2081 the Noble    Dog Pound
Dunarsund 14421 Hecate 2081 the Noble Dog Pound 346,992 253
Hecate 2081 the Noble   
Parkog 13011 Hecate 2081 the Noble 213,205 251