18028 rank

74,994 points

10 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tamerial7    The Lost Seas
Xyr 6867 Tamerial7 The Lost Seas 7,159,545 623
Tamerial7    Seeker
Langendorn 13760 Tamerial7 Seeker 170,560 51
Sinerania 13687 Tamerial7 157,841 42
Tamerial7    Crusty Crimson
Yorkton 14576 Tamerial7 Crusty Crimson 140,020 10
Carthage 9981 Tamerial7 101,333 16
Tamerial7    Legacies Never Die
Arvahall 21155 Tamerial7 Legacies Never Die 88,771 30
Tamerial7    The New Guard
Dunarsund 18028 Tamerial7 The New Guard 74,994 10
Tamerial7    Blüd Sun
Tuulech 15174 Tamerial7 Blüd Sun 66,959 15
Tamerial7    Retro break room
Zorskog 18188 Tamerial7 Retro break room 20,836 4