6621 rank

11,454,680 points

2,515 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fantasy3    Civilization!
Greifental 6044 Fantasy3 Civilization! 11,936,407 2,028
Fantasy3    trade & aide
Dunarsund 6621 Fantasy3 trade & aide 11,454,680 2,515
Fantasy3    Deadly Intentions
Langendorn 6059 Fantasy3 Deadly Intentions 9,994,901 1,737
Fantasy3    World Seekers
Mount Killmore 7035 Fantasy3 World Seekers 9,185,832 1,921
Fantasy3    Red Clay Retreat🌋
Odhrorvar 6477 Fantasy3 Red Clay Retreat🌋 7,281,481 1,524
Fantasy3    Rogue Alliance
Parkog 6407 Fantasy3 Rogue Alliance 7,275,113 1,579
Fantasy3    THE KINGS
Noarsil 6637 Fantasy3 THE KINGS 6,879,147 1,609
Fantasy3    A new dawn
Yorkton 6473 Fantasy3 A new dawn 6,638,839 1,537
Fantasy3    Hannibal's Warriors
Carthage 6061 Fantasy3 Hannibal's Warriors 689,508 467
Fantasy3    Diciples of Xendor
Qunrir 10667 Fantasy3 Diciples of Xendor 676,631 510
Fantasy3    the royal eagles
Rugnir 11205 Fantasy3 the royal eagles 551,946 500
Fantasy3    🀄️ Rōnin 🀄
Zorskog 15191 Fantasy3 🀄️ Rōnin 🀄 74,783 86