14092 rank

395,563 points

281 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Herodotus 3087 the Red    Moose Trading Post
Dunarsund 14092 Herodotus 3087 the Red Moose Trading Post 395,563 281
Herodotus 3087 the Red    PAIN TRAIN FARMERS
Zorskog 13239 Herodotus 3087 the Red PAIN TRAIN FARMERS 188,262 144
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Carthage 9246 Herodotus 3087 the Red 158,548 113
Herodotus 3087 the Red    AWOL
Sinerania 14011 Herodotus 3087 the Red AWOL 136,930 122
Herodotus 3087 the Red    the royal eagles
Rugnir 14186 Herodotus 3087 the Red the royal eagles 134,626 123
Herodotus 3087 the Red    The White Rose
Noarsil 14174 Herodotus 3087 the Red The White Rose 131,494 67
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Yorkton 14860 Herodotus 3087 the Red 126,389 129
Herodotus 3087 the Red    Integrity
Qunrir 15380 Herodotus 3087 the Red Integrity 73,791 64
Herodotus 3087 the Red    Masada
Mount Killmore 18840 Herodotus 3087 the Red Masada 72,807 76
Herodotus 3087 the Red    RAIDERS=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿
Fel Dranghyr 17371 Herodotus 3087 the Red RAIDERS=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ 58,377 38
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Greifental 17029 Herodotus 3087 the Red 53,575 49
Herodotus 3087 the Red    Atlanta
Vingrid 16561 Herodotus 3087 the Red Atlanta 52,487 30
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Brisgard 20540 Herodotus 3087 the Red 51,154 37
Herodotus 3087 the Red    Canis Lupus
East-Nagach 18288 Herodotus 3087 the Red Canis Lupus 49,695 34
Herodotus 3087 the Red    The Liberators
Birka 13752 Herodotus 3087 the Red The Liberators 35,708 32
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Xyr 20395 Herodotus 3087 the Red 25,944 21
Herodotus 3087 the Red   
Uceria 18145 Herodotus 3087 the Red 22,401 33
Herodotus 3087 the Red    The Stragglers
Cirgard 21093 Herodotus 3087 the Red The Stragglers 20,299 22