9918 rank

2,217,688 points

1,342 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
billie ace    cdswarriors
Cirgard 9288 billie ace cdswarriors 2,746,928 1,759
billie ace    Kings and Queens I
East-Nagach 9575 billie ace Kings and Queens I 2,276,629 1,408
billie ace    Traders & Raiders
Dunarsund 9918 billie ace Traders & Raiders 2,217,688 1,342
billie ace    FORGE MASTERS
Arvahall 11879 billie ace FORGE MASTERS 2,070,326 1,313
billie ace    Agents of Chaos
Brisgard 11014 billie ace Agents of Chaos 1,872,413 1,046
billie ace    El Sol
Jaims 9500 billie ace El Sol 1,650,381 2,305
billie ace    GreatGuilders
Fel Dranghyr 12239 billie ace GreatGuilders 538,937 1,271
billie ace    God's Guild
Xyr 14073 billie ace God's Guild 298,092 866