6204 rank

13,645,130 points

10,945 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rimobul the Great   
Brisgard 756 Rimobul the Great 447,931,589 227,329
Rimobul the Great   
Cirgard 2945 Rimobul the Great 66,992,611 24,012
Rimobul the Great   
Arvahall 5086 Rimobul the Great 34,312,430 14,795
Rimobul the Great   
Xyr 4409 Rimobul the Great 22,895,421 15,967
Rimobul the Great   
Langendorn 5422 Rimobul the Great 13,950,430 11,338
Rimobul the Great    qwerty
Dunarsund 6204 Rimobul the Great qwerty 13,645,130 10,945
Rimobul the Great   
Houndsmoor 6359 Rimobul the Great 12,102,512 10,188
Rimobul the Great    Amateurs
Jaims 6847 Rimobul the Great Amateurs 7,166,243 7,332
Rimobul the Great    Not sure yet
East-Nagach 11272 Rimobul the Great Not sure yet 1,010,740 2,962