12463 rank

605,063 points

484 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
evlboi    America
Tuulech 10178 evlboi America 772,421 476
evlboi    STALKERS
Dunarsund 12553 evlboi STALKERS 727,591 734
evlboi    The Looney Pimps
Greifental 11510 evlboi The Looney Pimps 690,973 464
evlboi    Romantic Death
East-Nagach 12463 evlboi Romantic Death 605,063 484
evlboi    Growth Assisters
Fel Dranghyr 15040 evlboi Growth Assisters 176,262 284
evlboi    newbies
Jaims 14581 evlboi newbies 174,210 239