4626 rank

24,911,150 points

10,797 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rhea 750 the Sly    Legend of the Future
Fel Dranghyr 429 Rhea 750 the Sly Legend of the Future 658,720,756 145,173
Rhea 750 the Sly    Free Builders
East-Nagach 4626 Rhea 750 the Sly Free Builders 24,911,150 10,797
Rhea 750 the Sly    Patsy's Pub
Odhrorvar 4192 Rhea 750 the Sly Patsy's Pub 23,214,354 11,254
Rhea 750 the Sly    Uno
Greifental 4935 Rhea 750 the Sly Uno 18,966,403 7,515
Rhea 750 the Sly    MЄƦƇӇƛƝƬƧ & ƊƦƛƓƠƝƧ
Jaims 4837 Rhea 750 the Sly MЄƦƇӇƛƝƬƧ & ƊƦƛƓƠƝƧ 17,672,189 9,227
Rhea 750 the Sly    Foe 101
Mount Killmore 5375 Rhea 750 the Sly Foe 101 17,371,296 8,263
Rhea 750 the Sly    Rosea Imperium
Angkor 4647 Rhea 750 the Sly Rosea Imperium 11,282,243 5,362
Rhea 750 the Sly    Freedom Force
Zorskog 5097 Rhea 750 the Sly Freedom Force 9,821,747 4,666
Rhea 750 the Sly    The Shadow Legion
Yorkton 6057 Rhea 750 the Sly The Shadow Legion 7,413,191 4,659