2642 rank

95,738,513 points

11,898 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
nimishpatel    The Shadow Warriors
Greifental 2094 nimishpatel The Shadow Warriors 123,821,978 13,357
nimishpatel    The Powerful
Brisgard 2494 nimishpatel The Powerful 106,015,157 12,980
nimishpatel    Overlord
Arvahall 2893 nimishpatel Overlord 105,899,324 13,592
nimishpatel    lets go fight
Houndsmoor 2438 nimishpatel lets go fight 102,327,850 11,879
nimishpatel    death
Cirgard 2458 nimishpatel death 98,058,307 12,405
nimishpatel    Wytches Brew
East-Nagach 2642 nimishpatel Wytches Brew 95,738,513 11,898
nimishpatel    Sylvan Soldiers
Mount Killmore 2591 nimishpatel Sylvan Soldiers 90,662,290 12,272