13828 rank

342,404 points

216 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
brewsteraero    Guild of Losers
Zorskog 11606 brewsteraero Guild of Losers 376,040 217
Arvahall 16996 brewsteraero 354,647 220
brewsteraero    Legion of Siege
East-Nagach 13828 brewsteraero Legion of Siege 342,404 216
brewsteraero    Filthy Vikings
Angkor 11737 brewsteraero Filthy Vikings 334,491 228
brewsteraero    Conservatarians
Yorkton 12633 brewsteraero Conservatarians 315,793 178
brewsteraero    Haunted Nightmares
Xyr 14002 brewsteraero Haunted Nightmares 312,627 189
brewsteraero    los jeringas tapadas
Mount Killmore 15130 brewsteraero los jeringas tapadas 292,164 203
brewsteraero    D.I.L.L.I.G.A.S.
Dunarsund 15196 brewsteraero D.I.L.L.I.G.A.S. 252,509 144