18346 rank

67,630 points

717 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
douglasgent27    apollo
Tuulech 9638 douglasgent27 apollo 1,057,856 1,928
douglasgent27    Bud Tokers United
Mount Killmore 12663 douglasgent27 Bud Tokers United 755,143 1,229
douglasgent27    frye
Greifental 11783 douglasgent27 frye 632,528 1,482
douglasgent27    Fire and Ice
Xyr 15838 douglasgent27 Fire and Ice 193,841 1,332
douglasgent27    Empire of Greatness
East-Nagach 18346 douglasgent27 Empire of Greatness 67,630 717