11942 rank

754,327 points

2,796 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
KC the Amazing 793    relaxing 793
Angkor 5999 KC the Amazing 793 relaxing 793 5,962,271 13,987
KC the Amazing 793    793 on a break
Jaims 7337 KC the Amazing 793 793 on a break 5,418,543 13,639
KC the Amazing 793    Chill Zone
Noarsil 7456 KC the Amazing 793 Chill Zone 4,163,419 12,013
KC the Amazing 793    793 for rest
Arvahall 10977 KC the Amazing 793 793 for rest 2,855,782 11,307
KC the Amazing 793    Just Tired
Qunrir 8921 KC the Amazing 793 Just Tired 1,745,598 8,326
KC the Amazing 793    Just Chilling
Parkog 9380 KC the Amazing 793 Just Chilling 1,190,001 3,504
KC the Amazing 793    relaxing 793
Cirgard 11820 KC the Amazing 793 relaxing 793 848,650 3,674
KC the Amazing 793    Deviant Misfits
East-Nagach 11942 KC the Amazing 793 Deviant Misfits 754,327 2,796
KC the Amazing 793    D'yer Mak'er
Zorskog 10434 KC the Amazing 793 D'yer Mak'er 646,528 1,841