3454 rank

55,588,094 points

13,292 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
meloffer    The Royals
Arvahall 3879 meloffer The Royals 61,106,430 13,597
meloffer    Fate
Cirgard 3284 meloffer Fate 55,719,013 11,904
meloffer    .~ ⚡Rampage⚡~.
East-Nagach 3454 meloffer .~ ⚡Rampage⚡~. 55,588,094 13,292
meloffer    Hardwood Forest
Brisgard 3691 meloffer Hardwood Forest 52,583,220 11,874
meloffer    Swords of Unity
Dunarsund 3610 meloffer Swords of Unity 52,284,986 12,077