5627 rank

17,406,250 points

6,550 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theodosius 2139 the Red    Rindy’s Minions
Korch 4749 Theodosius 2139 the Red Rindy’s Minions 21,988,195 10,285
Theodosius 2139 the Red    Dragonwitch
East-Nagach 5627 Theodosius 2139 the Red Dragonwitch 17,406,250 6,550
Theodosius 2139 the Red    Having Fun
Noarsil 5093 Theodosius 2139 the Red Having Fun 16,583,823 6,600
Theodosius 2139 the Red   
Walstrand 4976 Theodosius 2139 the Red 14,014,682 7,925
Theodosius 2139 the Red    Just having fun
Parkog 5342 Theodosius 2139 the Red Just having fun 13,172,873 5,811
Theodosius 2139 the Red    Havin fun
Xyr 5615 Theodosius 2139 the Red Havin fun 13,062,037 5,397