2300 rank

121,121,297 points

43,889 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cadmus 806 the Righteous    The Free Folk
Dunarsund 1226 Cadmus 806 the Righteous The Free Folk 287,611,634 73,490
Cadmus 806 the Righteous    The Bar & Grill
Angkor 1174 Cadmus 806 the Righteous The Bar & Grill 166,523,322 68,221
Cadmus 806 the Righteous    F2H
East-Nagach 2300 Cadmus 806 the Righteous F2H 121,121,297 43,889
Cadmus 806 the Righteous    Sanctuary
Dilmun 2864 Cadmus 806 the Righteous Sanctuary 3,719,529 4,185