19660 rank

33,062 points

66 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
phantom x 97   
Carthage 10568 phantom x 97 62,845 122
phantom x 97    Pegasus
Angkor 15781 phantom x 97 Pegasus 59,746 113
phantom x 97    the titans
Arvahall 22896 phantom x 97 the titans 53,875 106
phantom x 97    Guild Explorer
Houndsmoor 19070 phantom x 97 Guild Explorer 49,740 55
phantom x 97    KOOL
Birka 12974 phantom x 97 KOOL 49,061 92
phantom x 97    ⭕ The Circle II ⭕
Brisgard 20863 phantom x 97 ⭕ The Circle II ⭕ 48,927 78
phantom x 97    The Right
Jaims 18360 phantom x 97 The Right 34,857 67
phantom x 97    The Misfit Toys
Fel Dranghyr 19040 phantom x 97 The Misfit Toys 34,008 90
phantom x 97    Do nothing Gang
East-Nagach 19660 phantom x 97 Do nothing Gang 33,062 66
phantom x 97    BigDawgMoneyFamily
Dunarsund 20585 phantom x 97 BigDawgMoneyFamily 31,931 79
phantom x 97    Soldiers of God
Korch 19164 phantom x 97 Soldiers of God 25,703 75