18917 rank

40,296 points

22 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cleopatra 2946 the Red    The Chantry
Cirgard 16117 Cleopatra 2946 the Red The Chantry 157,667 54
Cleopatra 2946 the Red    Bear Clan
Arvahall 19819 Cleopatra 2946 the Red Bear Clan 139,800 36
Cleopatra 2946 the Red    FORGOTTEN SOULS
Parkog 14883 Cleopatra 2946 the Red FORGOTTEN SOULS 89,406 40
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
Vingrid 15464 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 86,075 30
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
Sinerania 15188 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 80,471 19
Cleopatra 2946 the Red    Humboldt
Zorskog 15589 Cleopatra 2946 the Red Humboldt 63,910 21
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
Birka 13226 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 44,856 19
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
East-Nagach 18917 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 40,296 22
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
Rugnir 17200 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 36,179 14
Cleopatra 2946 the Red   
Mount Killmore 20953 Cleopatra 2946 the Red 34,694 17