12881 rank

509,173 points

617 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Iris 1326 the Warrior   
Zorskog 8970 Iris 1326 the Warrior 1,283,822 1,262
Iris 1326 the Warrior   
Noarsil 9555 Iris 1326 the Warrior 1,207,133 894
Iris 1326 the Warrior   
Mount Killmore 12006 Iris 1326 the Warrior 940,608 846
Iris 1326 the Warrior   
East-Nagach 12881 Iris 1326 the Warrior 509,173 617
Iris 1326 the Warrior    The Magadha
Dunarsund 13587 Iris 1326 the Warrior The Magadha 470,431 205