10843 rank

1,214,031 points

1,090 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jovian 905 the Hard    m34bs
Arvahall 11967 Jovian 905 the Hard m34bs 1,930,618 1,176
Jovian 905 the Hard    MMM
Brisgard 11175 Jovian 905 the Hard MMM 1,670,138 1,154
Jovian 905 the Hard    LLL
East-Nagach 10843 Jovian 905 the Hard LLL 1,214,031 1,090
Jovian 905 the Hard    Merchant Profit
Uceria 10102 Jovian 905 the Hard Merchant Profit 975,607 1,055
Jovian 905 the Hard    MMJS
Dunarsund 11945 Jovian 905 the Hard MMJS 918,171 890
Jovian 905 the Hard    HorseTraders
Qunrir 10241 Jovian 905 the Hard HorseTraders 874,866 959
Jovian 905 the Hard    Garrr
Yorkton 10207 Jovian 905 the Hard Garrr 872,555 1,028
Jovian 905 the Hard    TKR
Angkor 9710 Jovian 905 the Hard TKR 826,120 868
Jovian 905 the Hard    MMM
Vingrid 10591 Jovian 905 the Hard MMM 812,833 881