6911 rank

8,797,402 points

2,250 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mike of the Manitous   
East-Nagach 6911 Mike of the Manitous 8,797,402 2,250
Mike of the Manitous   
Birka 4302 Mike of the Manitous 6,010,440 2,199
Mike of the Manitous   
Greifental 7528 Mike of the Manitous 5,299,446 1,721
Mike of the Manitous    Red Vodoo
Houndsmoor 8026 Mike of the Manitous Red Vodoo 5,198,641 1,946
Mike of the Manitous   
Tuulech 7135 Mike of the Manitous 4,321,290 1,639
Mike of the Manitous    Greenville
Langendorn 7658 Mike of the Manitous Greenville 4,015,664 1,977