11789 rank

789,728 points

369 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edrick the Impaler    KHAWVAIPHEI
East-Nagach 11789 Edrick the Impaler KHAWVAIPHEI 789,728 369
Edrick the Impaler    Robina26
Dunarsund 12311 Edrick the Impaler Robina26 777,754 303
Edrick the Impaler    justforfun
Langendorn 10703 Edrick the Impaler justforfun 761,778 373
Edrick the Impaler   
Qunrir 10522 Edrick the Impaler 721,781 343
Edrick the Impaler    Kush Stock
Walstrand 10399 Edrick the Impaler Kush Stock 619,821 314