11484 rank

911,957 points

870 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ron The Good    BEE
Arvahall 10871 Ron The Good BEE 2,950,160 1,876
Ron The Good    CEE
Brisgard 10686 Ron The Good CEE 2,056,567 1,335
Ron The Good    BEE
Cirgard 10238 Ron The Good BEE 1,662,083 1,161
Ron The Good    BEE
Dunarsund 10919 Ron The Good BEE 1,396,846 1,204
Ron The Good    Bergan
Greifental 10026 Ron The Good Bergan 1,362,682 1,035
Ron The Good    BEE
East-Nagach 11484 Ron The Good BEE 911,957 870
Ron The Good    BEE
Jaims 11447 Ron The Good BEE 651,495 510
Ron The Good    BEE
Parkog 10757 Ron The Good BEE 620,655 779
Ron The Good    Knights of Seven ll
Houndsmoor 12666 Ron The Good Knights of Seven ll 617,993 666
Ron The Good    BEES
Fel Dranghyr 12091 Ron The Good BEES 601,940 493
Ron The Good    Sailors of Jerry
Noarsil 11054 Ron The Good Sailors of Jerry 596,656 695
Ron The Good    BEE
Langendorn 11703 Ron The Good BEE 486,541 509
Ron The Good    Queen Anne's Revenge
Mount Killmore 14093 Ron The Good Queen Anne's Revenge 434,663 493
Ron The Good    Lion Pride
Odhrorvar 11642 Ron The Good Lion Pride 419,357 527
Ron The Good    Dumbledore’sArmy
Qunrir 14959 Ron The Good Dumbledore’sArmy 101,407 594
Ron The Good    BEE
Carthage 11031 Ron The Good BEE 51,659 187