3066 rank

54,733,327 points

12,523 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
perro0314    Lords of Oblivion
Cirgard 79 perro0314 Lords of Oblivion 1,727,366,795 470,980
perro0314    Lords of the Realm
Qunrir 1729 perro0314 Lords of the Realm 115,665,254 45,159
perro0314    Canis Lupus
East-Nagach 3066 perro0314 Canis Lupus 54,733,327 12,523
perro0314    Dodgy Bastards
Brisgard 4058 perro0314 Dodgy Bastards 34,077,245 12,427
perro0314    Ghost Pirates
Arvahall 5141 perro0314 Ghost Pirates 26,220,937 11,175
perro0314    Guilty Guild
Noarsil 5378 perro0314 Guilty Guild 12,297,466 8,204
perro0314    HEROES
Dunarsund 6152 perro0314 HEROES 11,871,185 6,816
perro0314    Blackmoore
Jaims 6553 perro0314 Blackmoore 7,256,306 4,480
perro0314    Swords of Light
Vingrid 9375 perro0314 Swords of Light 1,412,802 977
perro0314    League of Adventure
Xyr 13439 perro0314 League of Adventure 435,669 510