9564 rank

2,233,148 points

843 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dierdre The Insane    Strength & Honor
Arvahall 7160 Dierdre The Insane Strength & Honor 13,106,892 2,065
Dierdre The Insane    DragonButton
Fel Dranghyr 7167 Dierdre The Insane DragonButton 6,596,659 1,486
Dierdre The Insane    The Lion's Crest
Dunarsund 7969 Dierdre The Insane The Lion's Crest 5,937,117 1,175
Dierdre The Insane    Dragon's Hearth
Cirgard 7759 Dierdre The Insane Dragon's Hearth 5,555,180 954
Dierdre The Insane    Dragon Born
Brisgard 8905 Dierdre The Insane Dragon Born 4,760,841 1,000
Dierdre The Insane    Merlin's Minions.
East-Nagach 9564 Dierdre The Insane Merlin's Minions. 2,233,148 843