16249 rank

113,565 points

22 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Sinerania 4221 Leo 95 the Valiant 24,453,480 8,129
Leo 95 the Valiant    SLS
Odhrorvar 10193 Leo 95 the Valiant SLS 816,893 926
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Dunarsund 13994 Leo 95 the Valiant 401,714 445
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Langendorn 12098 Leo 95 the Valiant 383,568 401
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Arvahall 17818 Leo 95 the Valiant 273,069 61
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Tuulech 12580 Leo 95 the Valiant 233,176 21
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Vingrid 13755 Leo 95 the Valiant 180,462 398
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Uceria 14286 Leo 95 the Valiant 130,590 34
Leo 95 the Valiant   
East-Nagach 16249 Leo 95 the Valiant 113,565 22
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Rugnir 15291 Leo 95 the Valiant 80,323 16
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Brisgard 20053 Leo 95 the Valiant 60,699 12
Leo 95 the Valiant   
Mount Killmore 19440 Leo 95 the Valiant 58,804 107