1595 rank

178,537,132 points

13,211 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
themistocles67    Dawn Traders Guild
East-Nagach 1595 themistocles67 Dawn Traders Guild 178,537,132 13,211
themistocles67    Dawn Traders Guild
Arvahall 2321 themistocles67 Dawn Traders Guild 128,291,023 7,409
themistocles67    Just Jelling
Dunarsund 2072 themistocles67 Just Jelling 124,667,238 7,459
themistocles67    Dawn Traders Guild
Cirgard 2095 themistocles67 Dawn Traders Guild 115,017,621 6,499
themistocles67    Guild of Thrones
Jaims 1932 themistocles67 Guild of Thrones 112,907,824 7,003