13782 rank

356,588 points

18 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aestr the Wicked    BigBangTheory
Arvahall 7154 Aestr the Wicked BigBangTheory 13,132,749 3,330
Aestr the Wicked   
Qunrir 11253 Aestr the Wicked 539,625 350
Aestr the Wicked    Lion Don
Korch 11857 Aestr the Wicked Lion Don 537,020 147
Aestr the Wicked    Whopper
Dunarsund 13455 Aestr the Wicked Whopper 507,252 20
Aestr the Wicked    Band Of Scholars
East-Nagach 13782 Aestr the Wicked Band Of Scholars 356,588 18
Aestr the Wicked    just4fun
Parkog 16625 Aestr the Wicked just4fun 45,700 21