7447 rank

6,860,616 points

9,550 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cieger    Sacred Friends
Dunarsund 1149 cieger Sacred Friends 271,716,668 60,353
cieger    Sacred Friends
Brisgard 1170 cieger Sacred Friends 249,045,257 68,331
cieger    The Sith
Houndsmoor 1167 cieger The Sith 246,763,090 85,708
cieger    Girded Warriors
Cirgard 1264 cieger Girded Warriors 234,757,023 54,591
cieger    Ivory Guard
Greifental 1244 cieger Ivory Guard 230,237,288 46,165
cieger    Great Empire
Fel Dranghyr 1558 cieger Great Empire 175,643,185 41,363
cieger    Sacred Friends
East-Nagach 7447 cieger Sacred Friends 6,860,616 9,550